Sunday, November 3, 2013

Creativity for 11-3-13

These pages makes me very happy. They are made from paper towels and mod podge.

I haven't gotten to the point where I am comfortable doing much beyond abstracts that please me, but someday soon, I WILL actually do a 'real' journal page.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Single page coptic journal binding!

I discovered how to make single-sheet sewn book/art journals. Single page coptic stitch binding.

It is nice because I can use the paper I have instead of having to go buy stuff twice the width to get the size I want in a folded binding - pamphlet binding.

It involves a LOT more sewing, but I think I'll be very happy once I really get the hang of it. I'm working on the thick chipboard covers, which are from the pads of 90lb watercolor paper.  These will be used with 140lb paper.  I'll be making several smaller journals with the 90lb to practice.

I'll be using one of the chipboard bound journals for Book of Days 2014.  I hope to do Lifebook 2014, I'll have to wait to see what the class fee is.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Spray Inks

Today I got the ten 2oz empty spray bottles I bought from ebay!  So I have experimented with making my own spray ink/paint.  Most are successful, not sure about the ones made with white, crimson and black india inks.  They don't seem as vivid as the acrylic inks. Luckily, I didn't make much and will replace with acrylic ink or paint in the near future.

The silver and gold are fun, very little actual color comes through, but I do like the shimmering.

I'm not promising myself a blog entry a day, but I am going to shoot for one a week.  I haven't felt motivated to do anything with the layout.

Friday, September 13, 2013

This is one of my favorite paintings.  I painted it about 5 years ago.  Acrylics, canvas paper and a palette knife.

Saturday, September 7, 2013